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Overview of auerswald automatic provisioning and update

Overview of Auerswald Automatic Provisioning and Update#

Supported devices#

  • COMfortel 3600 IP

  • COMfortel 3500

  • COMfortel 3200

  • COMfortel 2600 IP

  • COMfortel 1400 IP

Automatic Provisioning and Update#

The automatic process runs

  • after each boot,

  • at configured times (once per day, on specified weekdays).

The following configuration options affect the processes:

provisioningEnable Run provisioning. Default: enabled
provisioningUrl URL for provisioning. Default: not set
updateCheckEnable Check for updates. Default: disabled
updateAutoInstall Install updates. Default: disabled
updateUrl URL for update. Default:

\ If provisioning is enabled, the provisioning process runs first and will trigger the update process on successful completion or if there is nothing to do.


If DHCP options are set, these are used regardless of configuration variables.

Option 66 is used for the server name.\ Option 67 is used for the provisioning file name.

Option 66 must contain a scheme (http, https and tftp are supported).\ Option 67 is parsed for special strings which are replaced by device values.

For COMfortel 3200/3500

\ Name of the device. The COMfortel 3500 replaced by CF3500 and COMfortel 3200 by CF3200.\ \ Mac address of the device in hexadecimal, with colons removed and lowercase letters.\ \ Serial number of the device.

If DHCP option 66 is not set, the configuration variable is read and parsed for special strings as above.

The device then downloads the provisioning file from the resulting URL. If no URL is configured, the process ends and triggers the update process.

If an error occurs (invalid URL, failed to download, invalid file, …) the whole process is stopped (i.e. NO update is carried out). The user is notified in the status bar.

For COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP\

\ Name of the device. The COMfortel 3600 IP replaced by CF3600IP, COMfortel 2600 IP by CF2600IP and COMfortel 1400 IP by CF1400IP.\ \ Mac address of the device in hexadecimal, with colons removed and lowercase letters.\ \ Serial number of the device.

If DHCP option 66 is not set, the configuration variable is read and parsed for special strings as above.

The device then downloads the provisioning file from the resulting URL. If no URL is configured, the process ends and triggers the update process.

If an error occurs (invalid URL, failed to download, invalid file, …) the whole process is stopped (i.e. NO update is carried out). The user is notified in the status bar.


The device downloads the file update_info.xml from the configured update URL (factory set to The following query parameters are appended:

For COMfortel 3200/3500

type F6 for COMfortel 3500.\ FC for COMfortel 3200.
firmware Current firmware version. Version number, followed by build number zero-padded to 5 digits. Ex. 1.6A-00000.
lang Country variant, currently “int” for international.
serial Device serial number.
hwrev Hardware revision.

For COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP\

type 03 for COMfortel 3600 IP.\ FE for COMfortel 2600 IP.\ FD for COMfortel 1400 IP.
firmware Current firmware version. Version number, followed by build number zero-padded to 5 digits. Ex. 1.6A-00000.
lang Country variant, currently “int” for international.
serial Device serial number.
hwrev Hardware revision.

The format of this file is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Version name="<VERSION>" url="<FWIMAGE>"/> </UpdateInfo>

                Version name, as shown in Device Information. Version number, followed by build     number zero-padded to 5 digits. Ex. 1.6A-00000.
                URL to firmware image, absolute or relative to configured update URL.

If the version does not match the currently running version, the version is considered “new”. There is no explicit update or downdate check.

If automatic installation is selected, the device downloads the firmware image to the SD card, installs the firmware and reboots.

In case of errors, the user is notified in the status bar and the process stops.