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Get phone book#

Function call (URL) Authorizations Possible parameters
/app_telephone book user / sub-admin App interface up to version 2: none
App interface from version 3:
catId: Specification of the unique category ID of the telephone book. Use 0 to display all entries

Example call App interface up to version 2:

Answer type Possible contents
id Unique number of the phone book entry.
kwNr Internal speed dial number of the phone book entry.
zielNummer The external destination number.
kwName The name of the external destination number.
callThrough Shows whether the destination number of this entry is allowed to use Call Through of the appliance when it makes an incoming call to its own office number defined for Call Through.
0 off
1 on
callThroughSperr Shows whether a lock defined in the appliance (outgoing) is taken into account for outgoing call through connections.
0 Lock is not taken into account
1 Lock is taken into account
Example response
    "id": 4601,
    "kwNr": 7095,
    "zielNummer": "045904944012",
    "kwName": "Alice",
    "callThrough": 0,
    "callThroughSperr": 0

Starting with the app interface version 3, a category ID must be attached to the request. Calls without this parameter are answered with a note that the app needs to be updated in the existing (old) format.

Example call App interface version 3 without the parameter catId:

Example response (in old phonebook format)
    "id": 0,
    "kwNr": 0,
    "zielNummer": "",
    "kwName": "Bitte updaten",
    "callThrough": 0,
    "callThroughSperr": 0

Example call App interface version 3 with parameter catId:

Response type Possible content
id unique number of the phone book entry.
surname lastname
givenname firstname
company company
displayname Displayname - Displayed name in Auerswald system phones
number1 External phone number 1
type1 Type of external call number 1: 0 User-defined, 1 Business, 2 Private, 3 Mobile, 4 Fax business, 5 Fax private
number2 External phone number 2
type2 Type of external phone number 2 -- see listing under type1
number3 External phone number 3
type3 Type of external phone number 3 -- see listing under type1
number4 External phone number 4
type4 Type of external phone number 4 -- see listing under type1

Example call:

Example response
    "id": 7842,
    "surname": "duck."
    "givenname": "Daisy",
    "company": "Entenhaus AG & CO.KG",
    "displayname": "Daisy Duck",
    "number1": "0123456789",
    "type1": 1,
    "number2": "0987654321",
    "type2": 2,
    "number3": "",
    "type3": 0,
    "number4": "",
    "type4": 0