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Commented File-structure#

<!-- List of local contacts
      type: list -->
<contactList version="1.34.0">
  <!-- a contact list entry -->
    <!-- The display name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The given name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The middle name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The family name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The nick name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The contact's honorific prefix, e.g. "Sir"
          type: string -->
    <!-- The contact's honorific suffix, e.g. "Jr"
          type: string -->
    <!-- The phonetic version of the given name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The phonetic version of the middle name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The phonetic version of the family name for the contact.
          type: string -->
    <!-- The contact ist starred, if it is a favorite contact (values 0 or 1)
          type: string -->
    <!-- The custome ringtone of the contact
          type: string -->
    <!-- contact photo as base64 string
          type: string -->
    <!-- List of phone numbers.
          type: list -->
      <!-- a phone number entry -->
        <!-- The number is the primary number (values 0 or 1)
              type: string -->
        <!-- Type of Number (like home, work, mobile, fax, etc)
              type: string -->
        <!-- The phone number as the user entered it.
              type: string -->
    <!-- List of e-mail addresses.
          type: list -->
      <!-- an e-mail address entry -->
        <!-- Type of e-mail address (like home, work, other, mobile, etc)
              type: string -->
        <!-- The e-mail address as the user entered it.
              type: string -->
    <!-- List of postal addresses.
          type: list -->
      <!-- a postal address entry -->
        <!-- Type of postal address (like home, work, other, etc)
              type: string -->
        <!-- Can be street, avenue, road, etc. This element also includes
              the house number and room/apartment/flat/floor number.
              type: string -->
        <!-- Postal code. Usually country-wide, but sometimes specific to
              the city (e.g. "2" in "Dublin 2, Ireland" addresses).
              type: string -->
        <!-- A state, province, county (in Ireland), Bundesland (in
              Germany), departement (in France), etc.
              type: string -->
        <!-- Can be city, village, town, borough, etc. This is the postal
              town and not necessarily the place of residence or place of
              type: string -->
        <!-- The name or code of the country.
              type: string -->
        <!-- This is used to disambiguate a street address when a city
              contains more than one street with the same name, or to
              specify a small place whose mail is routed through a larger
              postal town. In China it could be a county or a minor city.
              type: string -->
        <!-- Covers actual P.O. boxes, drawers, locked bags, etc. This
              is usually but not always mutually exclusive with street.
              type: string -->
    <!-- List of organizations.
          type: list -->
      <!-- a organization entry -->
        <!-- The company as the user entered it.
              type: string -->
        <!-- The position title at this company as the user entered it.
              type: string -->
        <!-- The department at this company as the user entered it.
              type: string -->
        <!-- The job description at this company as the user entered it.
              type: string -->
    <!-- List of unspecified data of the contact.
          type: list -->
      <!-- an additional unspecified data entry for data that could not be assigned to any other mimetype -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->
        <!-- type: string -->